Tuesday, December 23, 2008

69th Street

Another quick painting today for the commuting series I am starting on. This again is based on a pic I snapped while hustling through the 69th street station while on the way to school one day. The main thing when working from a photo is to learn what to leave out and to be aware of what the painting needs which may at times and in spots be very different from the photo source. Total time here about 4 hours I'd say, and that included a late night dinner break.

Below you can see my steps on this painting, again I was trying to keep things very loose, play with the color and the drama of the scene. This is in oil on Dick Blick canvas, 11 x 14


  1. Hey Mike I am really digging your blog especially your educational endeavor. I hope to make enough money so I can go back to school for more self development. I see you take the blue line on a regular basis I really like this series and will continue to follow it. I am a Philadelphia Native now residing in DC metro area, VA to be exact.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good Idea for a series!

  4. J, yeah I ride the MF line every day now and it's always an interesting ride visually. it also beats paying $150 a month to park my car near school.

    Good luck on going back to school, you have an idea where you'd go yet?

  5. Bill, I think so too,they say paint what you know, so....

  6. Hey Mike

    I already finished a BA in Graphic art from A small College in Alabama and I actually attended RIT for medical Illustration I was trying to get my MFA but I never finished my thesis. I could say I wasted money but I did not I learned a lot. But like your self I have always wanted to go to full fledged art school. Funny thing there is only one true art school here in the DC Metro area and it is Corcoran in DC I will not be going any time soon though, I have a lot of obligations kids, mortgage, and student loans. Someday though.

    Yeah I use to take the El out to city line I use to work out that way when I was younger that line is very interesting all the way out to Frankford because you can actually see a lot of the city unlike the Orange Line (Broad Street line).


  7. J, Corcoran is a good school, maybe you could take a few CE classes until you could go for full time. I did that off and on for many years before going back to school.

  8. Yeah it (Corcoran) is. I would love to do that (Continuing ED) or take some classes at the Torpedo Factory Art Center. The latter being the cheaper Alternative to the prior. I just want to be around other artist while I try to figure out a way to get out of the nine to five positions. But time and money are tight. So I will continue to DRAW and create work at home for now. I will let you know how things go if you are interested. Thanks Mike. I am going to keep following your blog and live Vicariously through you. :-D

  9. J, I understand the situation you are in. Heck, time and money are tight for everyone. Heck, grad a bunch of 5 x7 sketchbooks and keep them around and on you, art happens everywhere, all the time.

  10. Done and Done I keep 3 sketchbooks with me most of the time 5x8.25 Moleskine, a small 4.25x6 no name journal lined and a, 7.5x9.75 cheapo sketchbook. I do need to get out and draw more often from life though.
