Sunday, December 28, 2008

Memory Painting

This is a small memory painting I did today of the night I arrived in Beijing, China. It's small, 3 x 4 in oil on paper. I think I want to eventually do a larger painting. it was quite a strange, or of magical moment as we waited for a taxi to take us to the hotel after the bus ride from the airport. It was a hazy, drizzle, and very dark with many, many people riding bikes past us slowly in the rain. This memory is one of the strongest I have of the trip for it's dream-like quality. I feel like I was painting a dream.


  1. Hi Mike. I like this one. It may be small, but it has emotion. I think the scene works realistically because the suggested shapes, lights and reflections are all kept in context. Would make a good larger painting.

  2. Thanks Bill. It is all about the shape and the values. The hard part will be to retain them in the same way in a larger painting.

  3. Mike,

    This too is very nice! Makes me think of Whistler.

  4. This is really fantastic. You can get the sense of the moment/emotion being quite strong. I would be great to see this flushed out to a bigger-sized painting,
