Sunday, December 21, 2008

Self Portrait 3

This is my thrid self portrait. I did two for school before, but this one I did for myself to do a quick study. one of the things I want to do while I am on the break from school is to try and do a lot more quick studies along with a few longer pieces. This was about 90 minutes or so, maybe a little longer on a 9 x 12 canvas. one of the things I'm going for here is trying to paint the values and not try to draw everything in then fill it in. The drawing is a bit wonky in spots, but I wanted to keep this loose and try and just think of value , shape and temperature. So there is very minimal drawing done first, just big block-in shapes. If I get a chance tomorrow I want to do another quick study.


  1. Hey Mike,

    Just de-lurking to say I really like this one; it's both striking and interesting. I've been enjoying following your studies in painting, and it looks like all your hard work has really paid off!


  2. Thanks Angie, I'm the cheapest model I can find. But seriously, working hard is the best thing, and though some days it's still a big struggle, you end up with something decent every once in a while.
