Friday, January 09, 2009

Iron Giant Still Life

This is the still life I did today in our meeting of the Dirty Palette Club Head on over to see my process and the work by the other members.


  1. Awesome. Though The Iron Giant's legs make this feel a tad ominous, as if he's about to stomp Mickey. ha

  2. Haha, like the Godzilla vs Bambi cartoon, Thanks.

  3. Hey mike how much time did you guys dedicate to this still life. I turned out really well. I may have to try and drop by and watch you guys the next time I am in Philly.

  4. Thanks J. Hmm , well we did goof a lot as we painted like any 4 guys will do, so it's hard to judge exactly, I'd say this piece was a total of about 5-6 hours work, split.

    the guys left about 6 or so and then I took a break, did some work and then came back and finished it up later in the evening for the second round.

    If you are coming down shoot me a message and if we are having a meeting maybe we can hang.
