Saturday, February 28, 2009


I really haven't posted or talked about my Intaglio class I'm taking this semester. It's one of the 2 First year classes I have left to take, the other one being Art History II, so I'll be a a full second year student come fall, trying to start my 3rd year come January.

Anyway, we started out in intaglio with doing monotypes, where after your prepare the plate, you cover it with ink and then draw on it, whipe, use stencils, lay things on to make an image and then make single print. Sometimes you are able to strike a second plate, or a ghost print of the same image if there is enough ink on the plate. I really like printmaking and I want to do more monotypes and I am still working on the drypoint above. I will do some more etching on it and more test prints before I do my final edition.


  1. Hmm? Interesting stuff, Mike. I'm eager to see what you come up with using this process.


  2. I was hoping to see something from your printmaking classes. My MFA is with an emphasis in printmaking; so I'm a little prejudiced; but I feel that the blacks you get in intaglio are the deepest, richest blacks in art.

  3. I love both of these! They are so loose--no choice thought with either of these types of printing. Really wonderful!

  4. Thanks everyone. The monotypes are a type of drawing where it does lend itself to a looser approach. The drypoint you can do much more of a drawing in the traditional sense, and then comes the whole wiping the plate issue. There is a lot you can do here to effect the final print. When the break is over I'll get a chance to get back into the shop and try some more work on this drypoint.

  5. Hi Mike, this is Andrea, you know, from ACMoore. Thanks for calling me back a while ago. I lost your number for now, but I would like to meet up sometime and to seriously talk about comics. Please email me your info at
