Monday, February 02, 2009

Week 4--The Plastic Club Small Worlds Show

Your's truly with one of the two paintings I had in the Plastic Club's Small Worlds show which held it's awards reception this past Sunday.
The Plastic Club is hop. skip or jump down Camac Street from the Philly Sketch Club and was a female only club until about 30 years ago. Violet Oakley,Cecilia Beaux, and Jessie Willcox Smith were but a few of it's famous members.
My good buddy Dave Gloas took First Place in the show for his self portrait.

Here Dave poses with all of the other winners from this year's competition.

Wow, the semester is fly'n bye, so, so fast. This week being week 4 means the spring semester is 1/4 done as of this week. I sort of hate to see it go so fast but I will not shed a tear to see the winter go and spring come. I am tired of Old Man Winter this year and can't wait for his bone chilling old ass to vacate the city.

The painting above I finished this morning in Al Gury's Life painting class. It's a study really, as we only had two session with this model so it wasn't going to be a nit-picky type painting. I tried to keep it pretty bold and go for the bigger changes. I'm about 40% happy with this, I wish I was just a bit more focused on it, but the class running at 8:30 in the am on Mondays means my brain just isn't that fresh and I just never feel I am grooving till the end of class. Al was very complimentary about what I did, so that's cool.

1 comment:

  1. Nice work, and congrats on getting into the show. Wonder if one of these days we'll end up in the same show?? It could happen..... :)
