Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Week 7

Well week 7 is off and running. I hope artistically the second half of the semester is better as i am pretty dam frustrated with the first part. Missing the bulk of week 6 also has made things pretty tough this week. I did spend a little time adjusting things on the painting for doug's class, I worked on the background and table set-up, even Amy's bathrobe, we have one shot left Friday with the models so I'll spend the bulk trying to nail her face and figure.

Yesterday I blocked in the figure ad background more in Al's morning class, I think we have one more go at this after the spring break which starts next week. I'm trying to be very loose on this one, blocking in with big masses of color and then the idea is to go in and define the changes between the more subtle transitions.
yesterday in Figure comp we had no models, it was the "day without a model" all classes have to have. Why? I heard it was a way yo save some $$. I know schools are all looking now for a way to cut costs, but hey, raise my tuition $20 if you need the model fee that day. But the day wasn't a total loss as Doug took us over to the museum next door and downstairs to look at paintings from the schools collection and the George Tooker show which is currently on in the school right now. That is really one of the fantastic things about PAFA , that we have two great museums at school we have constant access too, we can go, look, study great works from some of the best artists of the past 200 years up till today.

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