Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Week 15 Put Down Your Brushes

Today was the last full day of classes for me this semester, I have one last class, Intaglio on Thursday morning and then that's a wrap. Today was a crazy day as it was the day most everybody submits work for the annual Spring prizes for the school in sculpting, painting, drawing and printmaking. The ASE (annual Student Exhibition) will happen a week from now so all the 3rd, 4th year and MFA 2 students are in a tizzy about displaying their work and getting things finished on time.

I submitted to 4 painting prizes, so we'll see. It was cool to see all the work submitted all lining up against each other in the various categories, I have many talented school mates. I think this year's competition is stronger than last years. I have been running on fumes the last few days, trying to finish a storyboard and school work, the two worlds clashing in my studio and thus depriving me on much sleep. But after Thursday--parrr-tayyy, baby!

this is the final stage of the painting I did in Figure Comp following the techniques i picked up in the workshop given by Vincent Desiderio a month or so back. This painting has many layers of glazing then working back on top with fatter painting, then glazing again. this is how Desiderio works and it does give the flesh a glow more similar to real skin than using thick impastos. the thing is that this requires many passes at the painting, so this isn't a good way to work for you ala-prima fans and on bigger paintings this would be a very laborious process--a real commitment.

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