Sunday, June 21, 2009

Philthydelphia Wizzer World-09: Attack of the Babymen

Just a quick hit this am to say I'll give an extensive report on the Philly Wizard con tonight, but suffice to say the smell is ripe on the carcass of this show. It's in a much smaller hall and the crowd was significantly smaller this year, way. way smaller. I didn't get a table (though Wizard did contact me several times to get me to try and buy one) as I just knew it wouldn't be worth it so I am just walking the show, snap'n picks and sitting at my buddy Scott Cohn's table and yakking with the occasional friend, fellow pro , ex-student or fan.

More tonight....


  1. I await your report with an equal mix of dread and giddy delight. "Dread" because I agree that the mainstream comic book industry is circling the bowl. "Giddy delight" because the mainstream comic book industry is circling the bowl.

  2. sigh... that's a look to be proud of...

  3. Hah, couldn't have said it better myself, Awesome blog Mike, I'll be sure to follow.
