Monday, August 03, 2009

Super Sad Final

Here is the finished painting, after a few more days or a week once it's really dry and set I might go back and slightly adjust things. I tried balancing the lights better on my camera for this shot, it still takes a lot of adjustment in Photoshop. I'm very excited about this series and have two more paintings in sketch stage I will be working on next. the painting is 24 x 30 in oil.


  1. With every update I'd wonder what else could be added, now I see. Wow, just, wow.

  2. Thanks Vivi, you know the paintings never done, you just stop painting on it before you ruin it :-)

  3. very cool. I hope Alex Ross dosne't decide to become a fine artist and steal your idea. the risk of sharing a great concept with the world!

  4. Thanks, Hahaha, I think he'd have to take too much of a pay cut.
