Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Jane's Garden

The DPC met today at Jane's house to paint and hang out. We decided to brave the cold and paint plein air despite the bitter weather.

The oil paint was setting up fast despite trying to thin it down and keep it loose and so I did this painting in two sessions, and eventually had to give up on it as I was loosing feeling in my fingers and feet and the light was dying fast, the sun hiding behind a thickening veil of clouds.

We'll try after the holidays to venture out again and brave the cold for more painting fun. 16 x 20 in oil


  1. It's beautiful! And that feeling of the light going down I had just from looking at the image before I read the description.

  2. Mike,
    I like the composition. I think it is one of your best. Simplicity... nice how snow can provide the white open space and a rather graphic look.

  3. Thanks guys, funny, sometimes something you dash off works better.
