Thursday, December 10, 2009

Week 15-Finals

This is my finals week at PAFA. I've had my finals in Life painting with Renee Foulks and my final class in 19th Century Art History, tomorrow my final crit in Animal Drawing and then my last class is Monday in Portrait painting.

The painting above is my final for Renee's class and it was painting in my living room, my friend Alina posed for it. I did it mostly from life, from the first pose which you can see below on the blog. Then I worked a bit from a photo and then Alina sat again for the final pose where I just concentrated on her head. There are many little areas I need to go back into, the sofa, the wall or light area and a few touches on the figure, but it was done to this stage for my class crit.

next week is crit week at Uarts in the Storyboard classes I teach, then is Winter Break till January--and boy can I use the break!


  1. Mike,

    I'm not quite sure what semester of school or what program you are enrolled. I think I have read at different postings Certificate, BFA or MFA. I'm thinking it is your third or maybe fifth semester since returning to school. Contradictory to what you might feel about your progress, your painting ability has progressed at a good pace. The drawing skills that you brought have helped greatly because you can more concentrate on the paint. I can't imagine any beginning 3rd or 5th semester student doing as well without the benefit of your previous experience .

    I have really enjoyed following your journey and progress in and out of school. Your work is getting better and better with each post. I think you have reached a new level this semester. It would be very interesting to sit in on your class critics.

  2. So, how does one E-mail you? You don't make it easy ;-)

    Please e-mail me E. Gibbons

    Looking for figurative artists

  3. Just blog surfing and found your stuff. Great to see how you develop a painting and the outcomes are wonderful. Coincidentally, my mother's family are Manleys...from the other side of the Delaware (Trenton). Maybe we're related. All the best for a new and improved year! Oh...and Randy Newman's piano lead in to Dixie Flyer is one of the wonders of the world...I see you're a fan, so maybe you agree.
