Friday, January 08, 2010

123 Waiting

Here is the latest painting in the commuter series I'm working on. This is of one of the idling trolleys up at the 69th Street depot. I had great shadows that day and wanted to use them as movement in the picture.
Here is the drawing I did right on the canvas before I started the painting. Since I was working from a series of photos I wanted to compensate for the slight distortion of the camera's lens, though sometimes that can be a fun element to play with. Once I feel confident about the planning and drawing of the image I feel really confident about painting straight ahead and taking liberties and having fun. I know FUN is a bad word for many painters.


  1. Mike,

    This is beautifully executed!
    I specially loved the final result.

  2. Wow! That is breathtaking. The shadows are amazing.

  3. Thanks guys, I love those long shadows too they move the eye but also give you lots of opportunity to deal with making them interesting color wise.
