Thursday, February 04, 2010

More Marvel Sketch Cards

Here is another batch of Marvel Sketch Cards, I'm more than halfway done and have a bunch more penciled out. It's a fun job and I'm getting better painting Ironman's head with each one.


  1. Brilliant work. My favorite is the Hulk in the middle row, third from the left. I really dig your use of value to define and articulate the form.

  2. Nice! Unrelated, any news about Martians, Go Home #2?

  3. Paul, unfortunately the Martians book was canceled before issue 1 came out and the publisher hasn't been able to find another home for it.

  4. Thanks, Mike. I wasn't aware of that. Too bad, I thought your artwork for it was amazing. Hopefully it will all come to fruition at some point.

  5. Thanks Paul, Martians was one of my biggest disappointments. We can all thank this shitty economy and the banks for destroying this project.
