Saturday, May 15, 2010

27th Street Park Plien Air

Thursday I went out and spent a few hours in a local park with the Dirty Palette Club to kick off our summer painting session. It was really a wonderful day full of that silvery philadelphia light. this was a great little park on 27th street , the Markward Recreation Center. There was a lot of great views but you know the time is a wasting when you paint out doors so you need to get to work quick. I looked about and found a view I felt with good depth and contrast and where the shadows would work to make an interesting contrast and shape and went at it.

I had an old canvas that somebody left at school and had pre-primed which still left it chunky in spots, which added an extra sense of texture in spots which I think worked. I loaded a bunch more pictures up over on the official Dirty Palette Blog

Here is my rough into set the composition.

It was great to de-stress from all the commercial work for a few hours to release the brain drain of the past few weeks. I look forward to going back to this spot and doing a lot more painting in general in a few weeks when the commercial work slows a bit.


  1. omg. you paintings are awesome. The have pleasurable colors.
    It was worth watching your blog! ;)

  2. Nice light--well sone!
