Saturday, June 19, 2010

Phillustration 2010

Last weekend was the reception for the 2010 Phillustration show at the Philadelphia Sketch Club. I'm posing in front of one of my entries, one of my Supersad paintings. This year I entered three pieces and had them all accepted. I entered the Super sad paintings, the Robin Hood piece I did this spring and one of my SEPTA paintings. Two of my friends from PAFA also entered and had their pieces accepted. They had some pretty heavy hitters enter the show this year like Boris and Julie Bell, Charles Santore and Richard Williams of Mad fame. This show was much, much stronger overall this year which is good.

Last weekend I attended the opening reception and hob-knobbed a bit and saw a few familiar faces. The show was orchestrated by Rich Harrington who is a great guy and teaches over at Moore College. Rich is a funny guy and was a great MC. All of the student winners got free art supplies provided by Dick Blick. There was wine, cheese and lots of good spirits all around, I look forward to next years show which I hear might be moved to the fall.

The Host with the most, Rich Harrington


  1. Lookin' good, Mike. Spectacular art, as always. But then, I would expect nothing less from someone as super-talented as yourself. Continued success, my friend.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Wait your bluring the lines again!

  4. I've been trying to get in touch with you about a comic strip exhibition I'm pulling together, One Fine Sunday in the Funny Pages, for which I would love to have you be a part. The show features the art of over 130 different comics published in newspapers the same day, April 11. PLEASE contact me: johnread3 at gmaildotcom.
