Sunday, July 11, 2010

Night El

Here is another painting I did today, in fact this is the second painting I did today, the first got to a stage where I had to leave it so it could dry a bit before I went back to it, and I was also a bit frustrated with it. But my painting hunger was on, so I grabbed another canvas and went at it...I snapped this with my iphone and when it dries I'll get a better pic of it.


  1. Hey Mike! This one is terrific! Great composition--I love it!

    Most of these "commuter" pics are eerie for their lack of people. reminds me of the same unsettling quality of some of Hopper's paintings. "The Long Leg," for example.

    Thanks for sharing!

  2. Seconding the above. Your commuter paintings overall are probably my favorites of all the work you post here.

    I'd disagree with the word "eerie" but only as a matter of personal preference; for me the word "serene" or "still" would seem more apt. The emptiness of a train or a platform late at night (or first thing in the morning) when no one else is around and you can hear yourself think. Or walking through a normally busy neighborhood at 2 AM; there's nothing quite like being in a bustling area when it's uncharacteristically quiet and calm. (Do you get the idea I'm the kind of guy who views "The Omega Man" as fantasy wish fulfillment?)

    Anyway, great stuff!

  3. Thanks guys, Hopper is a favorite of mine. And living in Philly and traveling around you get these opportunities, events of quietness of beauty every day. Often train platforms are empty, train cars are empty, or have only one or two people in them and you get that stark loneliness, quietness, a certain sad or melancholy poetry in the times where you can sense what was and what might be? Lots of life-shit has rubbed off from the thronging masses---its like these cars are tired themselves. I find that endlessly attractive--its pretty timeless.

  4. As I said privately this one is a new home run. Love how much you left out. Great shapes, confident looseness, emotion and action. love it.

  5. Fantastic painting Michael! i love the light on the rails , and the little hit of orange from the train light!
