Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Arizona Wash

This is the painting I knocked out today before the rain forced me indoors. It's of the wash behind my buddy's house with a nice view of the mountains behind. Its 12 x 16 on a linen Fredricks panel which I gave a single wash of raw siena too yesterday. Altogether I'd say this was around 3 hours of painting.


  1. Wow these are great! I live in Tucson. If you ever come down let me know!

  2. Hey Mike...while in Arizona, did you go visit Woody Wilson? I think he lives in Tempe. Nice work, btw. And, loving the JP work.

  3. Anonymous2:51 AM

    I love that your freehand turned out so well. It's absolutely fantastic. Painting is a way of creating and expressing ourselves and therefore the result is always beautiful. Congratulations, it is excellent.
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