Saturday, August 28, 2010

FALL Semester Week 1

here is something I knocked around on today in the studio. Today was one of those 'eh' days...I just felt kinda' down and in kinda' a bad mood, out of sorts maybe. Had a nice day, lunch with friends and all, but I was still just kinda' blah...

Maybe it was my post-vacation blues, I don't know. But despite that I kept slinging the brush and ended up with the painting about. Sometimes I feel I could go way tighter and get more realistic or specific, but when I do I also feel like I leave too little to the viewer to add in themselves. Anyhow, despite my mood I slugged away at it, often the only way out of a funk is to just slog at work.


  1. Great job, i love your paints :)
    I want to invite you on if you doesnt know yet its a social network dedicated to artists ;)

  2. I really like your work ! please take a look at mine
