Saturday, October 02, 2010

Fall Semester 2010 week 5

The fall semester has entered the full force stream this week. I had my second week of my evening painting class at Studio Incomminati, I'm taking a portrait class with Kerry Dunn. The painting above is last week's work, the burnt sienna rough-in, next week we will continue with the Open grisaille, we'll add colors to it.
This is the final state of the painting from my class at school with Bruce Samuelson. man this was a bit tough, I needed more time and the light was very inconsistent from week to week since it was natural light--which changed fast on the shorter fall afternoons.
This was the painting I did last Sunday at the PAFA Sunday open painting which is hosted by Scott Noel and Peter Van Dyck. This was about 3 hours work. I seem to be doing a lot of faster one-shot paintings which are good for training and working out big concepts as well as always honing the good old 'observational' skills.
This is a painting I had to attack quick in last Monday's painting class with Scott Noel as I also had to start teaching my illustration for the After school program at PAFA. The classes overlap, so that means I loose the last hour of the class, so I did go back and work on this from memory. the idea, or concept Scott is pushing is to get very clear areas or domains of color. Inside or outside, warms against cools. And to push those concepts beyond just what you see to make this idea the main emphasis of these smaller, faster paintings.

So it was a very heavy week between the teaching, painting Judge parker and laying out a Captain America storybook for Disney and laying out Magnus for Dark Horse. The pace won't really lessen till November so I hope the momentum will just keep me building week upon week.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:41 PM

    I like the ptg you did in Scott's class better than mine! I am also really looking forward to seeing what you do in the portrait class the rough in looks great Mike.
