Sunday, December 26, 2010

Judge Parker

The teenage drama/mystery continues...


  1. Mike...any truth to the rumor that a certain character will show up in JP that looks like you (a little)? In the next week or so?


  2. Hmm, yes, a guest star is coming up-- and he based on a a good buddy, but he doesn't look like me except he has a beard.

  3. Well...yes, he has a beard like you. And, dreds, so, I kinda thought it was...sorta...kinda...ahh...nevermind.

    Like the look. Highly detailed and richly drawn too. Very nice.

    ps- yes, i work at a paper that gets advances of the strip.


  4. Ha, ha! Well I never had dreds even with the long hair.

    Glad you like the strips, its fun using a friend in the strip, I hope to be able to continue doing that.
