Saturday, December 04, 2010

Week 15 Fall Semester

The fifteenth week of school was a busy one for me, there were 4 events this week on top of teaching and work, a memorial exhibit, the 128 gallery show and First Fridays.

I had to co-ordinate an Open Studio for my floor at school. This was just an informal, basically open studio just for the school, not the big one which will happen next spring which will be open to the public. I had to jump back and forth a few times hat day between my studio and teaching my Storyboard class down the street at Uarts. I think I went back and forth 6 times that day between PAFA and Uarts. I am the floor monitor for my floor at school. this year they decided that every floor at school should basically have a point person to deal with issues that arise in peoples studios and to be an interface between the students and the admin at school. They also pay us a nice little stipend for it as well which is nice.

So every week since november two floor a week have been having an open studio, this week it was our floor and the 7th floor.
I made a little sign to advertise it and bought some snacks to have on hand for visitors.

I also had one of my paintings accepted into the latest 128 gallery competition at school. I decided to submit my painting of the train in the 69th street station.It was also First Friday and there was a memorial exhibit and the Trust gallery for one of my fellow students, Chris Brennan who tragically passed away last month. Along with several of my friends we went to the show of Chris's work to show some love and support to his family. it was a nice way to celebrate Chris' life and art and I know must be a big help to his family to see how much people liked and remember Chris. Mike Gallagher who helped me guild my big support for my painting was a man above helping Chris's father frame a ton of Chris's work for the show. That's one of the great things about PAFA, we are a small school and pretty close knit, we also have great teachers like Mike who always go out of their way for the students.

Here is the big monster finally done, I have two more coats of gesso and then some oil primer and I'll finally be painting on this thing next week.

Mike helped me so much with mounting the canvas to the support, it would have been a lot harder without him.
The sign I made up for our floor.
Most of my studio mates and Dirty Palette buddies where there and we had a steady stream of visitors all night. There was plenty of apple cider and cookies too to go around. It was great to also get to visit other artists studios and see what they are creating.
I also painted a bit more on this experiment of a painting. The pose is over with the model so whatever i have to do now will be on my own.

Next week is the last week of classes at school, so it will be a busy, busy week.

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