Sunday, January 16, 2011

Judge Parker

Here is this week's judge Parker Sunday featuring a new character, Angle Morningstar based one of my best buddies, Jamar Nicholas who I used as the model.


  1. Great look to the strip, Mike! And, a very realistic look to Jamar. He has to be thrilled that he will be in a lot newspapers over the next several months. I daresay that you seem to be settling into the characters of Judge Parker. Hope you are having fun drawing Judge Parker.

  2. Thanks Barb, it's coming up on a year since my taking the reigns of the strip and I think I feel a lot more comfortable now and understand the characters more and more as real people--they have to live in my imagination to live in ink on the paper.

  3. Hey Mike...just curious if King Features is ever going to ask you to "update" the character drawings at their site ( It appears those are still drawings by Harold LeDoux. Not trying to give you more work. LOL. Also, they still list Eduardo Barreto in the byline, even though they have updated you in the bio section. Same on Daily Ink.

    And, maybe it's me, but it seems like you have refined the look in the last few weeks even more. Like the look.

  4. Now Jamar will want royalties...

  5. I think a few originals and dinner at 5Guys will buy him off ;-)
