Saturday, October 22, 2011

Fall Semester Week 9--over the Hump! Two-man Show!

Well we are now officially over the hump in school with this being the 9th week of classes. I am over a bit of a hump as well personally as I just turned 50 on Wednesday--so it was really a hump week!! I spent my birthday painting away at school, enjoying a nice cake and good time with my friends. I put the finishing touches on my painting above, entitled Market Street. It's the final painting I will have time to finish before I have to go to the framer and get the paintings I need framed for the Emerging artist show I have next month with my buddy David Golas at Home Fine Art in Mount Holly. Our show opens on November 1st, and the reception is on the 12th. You can see images from the card we had printed up below.


  1. Happy Birthday for last wednesday Mike. Love your blogs, been following you for a while and will take this opportunity to thank you for all your really interesting, generous and informative posts. Emerging at 50 eh? You are already an amazing and versatile artist and certainly seem to be one of the hardest working, I wish you much success with the show. More power to your elbow. (That may be a British expression)

  2. Thanks Tina! I read that the average age of a gallery artist is 45, so I am within the margin of error ;-)

    I've been seriously persuing painting for 5 years now, starting back at school at 45 to finish my degree. I still have two more till my masters, so I still have the hill to climb. I am happy to share what I know and learn on my journey.

  3. Super cool paintings! :)

  4. The Market Street painting is absolutely gorgeous.

    Also, belated birthday greetings!
