Sunday, January 22, 2012

Final Semester Week 1

This week was the beginning of my final semester at PAFA in the certificate program and like all things an ending must come. This spring will be very busy for me in my last run down to graduation and the ASE in may. In March in will have my first one-man show at the Rodger Lapelle Gallery, I'll be applying for grad school and I'll be attending two workshops out west. I will miss the school and hope to return as a grad student next fall, but if not I have to say that going back to school at 45 was the best decision I think I've made for myself in my adult life. In many respects I have rebuilt myself and my life and the course has been set and I'm well on my way to making some changes permanent. I've grown a lot as an artist, sometimes in surprising ways and I have made many new friends who are like family to me. In the short term I'll be painting my arse off in the studio to have a fresh batch of paintings ready for the show.
Luckily I have completed all of my undergrad requirements so I have no classes this spring, only four meetings with my critics and just one class to teach Mondays, the Illustration class in the High School program at PAFA. I'm sure the spring will shoot past fast but I plan on wringing out as much enjoyment as I can!
These are two of the paintings that will be in the show at LaPelle.


  1. Both paintings are beautiful. Congratulations on you decision and thanks for letting us follow your progress--I've especially enjoyed your plein air adventures. Good luck with your show too.

  2. Thanks Kaz, I'll keep you updated!

  3. These are both lovely, for totally different reasons, Mike. Great work.
    BTW, My wife just moved her office to a new swanky new address, and she took your "El" painting with her. She loves it! :)
