Monday, February 13, 2012

Final Semester Week 3 and 4

I finally caught a bit of a break here so I thought I would catch up on my posting here. It's been really bust the last two weeks at school, culminating with the school-wide Open Studio night last Friday evening at school. It's the annual one-night event where the school is open to anyone who wishes to come in and look into the studios, pull back the curtain as they say and check out what we are all creating in our studios.
Its a huge public event and we also had the monthly Studio 128 opening as well as the Tanner exhibit going on as well. I was told we had about 80o people come through the school that night, which is up from last year.
I had an even better response to my work this year than last year and several inquiries about my paintings, so I feel my show at Rodger LaPelle should have a good bounce. I had a great time talking about my work and meeting so many art fans, collectors, parents and enthusiasts.
In the meantime I am still working as hard as can be on the last few paintings I want to have for the show, I will finish up in another 10 days or so and then begin framing everything.
I also got to start my class with Scott Noel last week, there was finally one spot open in the class. This painting was the usual flat out sprint against the clock, or the sun. The light dramatically changed about half way through, but knowing how Scott has us set up I plan ahead, still these are great practice, win or fail.
This is a shot of Ewa an Lexi's work on their side of the wall in the hallway outside of our studio.
Here you can see a very creative shot of me by Ewa as I sit talking to m buddy Evan as the crowd thinned out and we all kinda' plunked down after he whirl wind stopped. I think everyone was really happy with the turnout and response to our work and the school in general.

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