Sunday, March 18, 2012

Final Semester Week 9

This is the painting I finished this week in the studio. It wasn't the next painting i had planned on making but it's funny how things happen that way. While in the studio on Tuesday during a break in Scott Noel's class I was back in the studio getting some more paint for my palette and turned around and saw this scene on my work table. Its what i call one of the 1000 incidents of beauty you see every day. i have a folder on my facebook page full of these type of pictures or fleeting moments we all see or pass every day if we stop to notice them. Since I was in class I just snapped about a dozen or so pics with my iphone and went back to class. After class I reviewed my pics and really liked the light event happening so much i started a painting that night. None of the pics were excatly the right anglge so I worked from several of the pictures to get the drawing right and I could look right behind me to check things as that set-up was right behind my chair. then i blocked the painting in and had to wait till Friday to finish it as i ha to catch up on the Judge P strip. One of the things I was really working on in this picture was the whites, using a lot more zinc, which is more translucent for the cooler whites in the background and the plastic bag and the Brisk bottle. I used the titanium for the bolder and warmer light on the table, and mixed in just a little touch of yellow ochre to warm it up. It was one long marathon painting session to finish it up, I stated Friday at around 6 and finished Saturday morning at 7am. I love to work this way and all the years of long deadlines doing comics and storyboard have given me the endurance to stay in the chair painting. I think I not only get more done but also get more intense concentration and that gives me better results. I know, its all based on your endurance, you concentration, and for some people their way is to work in shorter bursts. It's all what works for you. While I was painting the annual PAFA Drawathon was happening across the street in the old Historic Building. I didn't attend the event this year or help run one of the sessions like last year, I painted instead as the weeks are counting down fast and I need to spend every second painting I can. I did slip over a few times to stretch the legs and grabs some free pizza , which went quick. Free and students always go together well!


  1. Congrats on seeing and responding in paint to this fleeting moment. I would say your spontaneous effort and time spent was very much rewarded. I like the whites and lettering. What are the paintings dimensions?

  2. Thanks William, the painting is 18 x 24, a nice size, not too big or too small. Its about catching that moment, that time of day and the quality of the light.
