Thursday, May 24, 2012

Beaver Farm Paintout

The other day I was lucky enough to join a local group of painters and spend the day plein air paintings at Beaver Farm a part of the Camphill Special School which boarders French Creek out past valley Forge. Its this amazing bio-dynamic and organic farm which is part of the main school and runs a transitional program for older kids with special needs. It's an amazing place, beautiful grounds and facilities and lots of animals of all types, a great spot for kids and painters! I was invited to join the group by painter Nancy Bea Muller for one of the mini-paintouts which they do and then the big weekend paintout which happens later this summer, They then have a show at Rosenfeld gallery in Philly where half the proceeds of the sales from the paintings done at the event go to help the school.
I set up under a tree to try and keep in the shade while painting, i had my hat and my sunblock on so I was ready to go
I had my brushes and box of paint...but i forgot my liquin, luckily my friend Diane had some.
I decided to start with a smaller piece and hand an already primed board with a warm tone ready.
A bunch of the piggies sleeping...
Nancy gave me a great tour of the place.
Rachel Constantine paints next to me as we race the setting sun to get our last painting done.
Kerry Dunn paints away right in the sun. I took a class with Kerry at Studio Incamminati last year.
My buddy Dave Wilson did and awesome painting of the old pump house.
A pic of me painting away thanks to Diane.
Another pic of me thanks to Nancy B.
Here is my painting of the old pump house and below the last painting of the grazing fields as the sun set. both will be in the Rosenfeld show later this summer.
The group all came together to try and race the sundown and get one more painting in done.