Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Recent Painting

The summer is cooking down quick here at the studio. It seemed briefly after graduation that the road stretched out a ways---but the final weeks till my first year in the MFA program at PAFA are burning off quickly. I just finished up te painting above and plan of trying to get a few more before school starts. The summer has been good work wise, though I never get as much done as I hope or catch up as much as I want on things like the Judge, but I see things being better by fall. I know the MFA will bring me a lot of new challenges and friends, that I am looking forward to. I even took a break from my PAFA studio and just painted at home or outside in Plein Air as they say. Over on my other two blogs Philadelphia Plein Air Painters and Michael Cole Manley where you can see some of the other things I've been up to. The newest issue of Draw! is shipping into stores and subscriptions should all be in the mail as we speak, so people should be able to get a copy soon. More soon!

1 comment:

  1. Mike, I've been following your work with Woody Wilson's "Judge Parker" for quite a while and have really enjoyed the positive changes in your artwork over time, - especially the more "organic" style you've developed in the strip. Very nice!

    If I remember correctly at one point you also filled in for Graham Nolan on "Rex Morgan" for a short time.
    Last week I was interested to see some apparent "cooperation" between you and Nolan. It looked as if the two of you were sitting side by side, actively trying to mirror one-another in layout and composition. I thought that a lot of fun! Am I right?

    Keep up the good work! - and good luck with your "serious" painting!
