Thursday, September 13, 2012

PAFA MFA1: Week 3

My father told me recently that as you get older time seems to go faster, and I'm thinking that maybe that is true because it seems the first 3 weeks of my MFA1 semester went by so fast and I feel behind the 8 ball. I have lots to juggle but I finally got some drawing done and look forward to this weekend to actually get some painting going.
I did two sketches--well really three sketches or drawings for my class with Michael Moore, but I got mad and tore one up--well actually I punched it--then tore it up--and it deserved it! I wanted to do some drawing to explore some ideas before going into the painting stage. I read some on Hopper this summer and specifically how he did drawings to plan out his paintings, doing sketches in color and in pencil or charcoal and then he'd make color notes. I didn't make color notes but I did alter the placement of things and tangents etc, to make better designs of the drawings--so the paintings will be stronger. That's also crucial when working from photos, to not be a slave or a victim to the cameras un-censoring eye. I brought the drawings into class along with a bag full of 6 items that Michael had us make an impromptu still life with.
You can see mine here with Mike in the back on the right. We walked around and looked at each others set-ups and discussed which ones we liked. It's interesting to see what a sculptor is into verses drawers or painters. Then we discussed our drawings we brought in and the use of the material and consideration of the entire paper or composition. I was interviewed for something to do with the Women's Board and had pictures taken in my studio I am struggling to keep up with the readings for my writing seminar, but its good to know it seems everybody else is too. Having 3 jobs at times means when i do read late, my brain just doesn't record well-the film of exhaustion isn't a good thing to try and read through. I have my first paper due tomorrow as a response to our first reading and the next set of Judge Parker dailies due as well--so no sleep tonight!

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