Monday, October 29, 2012

PAFA MFA1: Week 9

 I'm finally getting to catch up and post my update during my downtime at home during the Hurricane as school was closed today and tomorrow. The doodle above was done while listening to a a lecture in my Writing and Research Seminar . As I listened to the lecture I noticed as I looked around that it seemed that just about everybody was doodling something. I guess those old grade school habits die hard! I did take notes as well.
Michael did his crit of our work but went fast this week as many of us had crits in our studios and there was a guest speaker in the auditorium, and many of the class wanted to see the lecture--so class was called early. Our assignment was to do a bad drawing, which everybody felt that I did--yay! Mike still liked it though...

I had two great crits with Jan Batlzell and Martha Armstrong that gave me some good insight and ideas to chew on about my work, process and some of my ideas. It got me thinking about why I am attracted to certain subjects and how to dig a bit deeper, connect ideas with memory and smell--to get to the core!

 While Dr. Richards was lecturing on the Masons and conspiracy I noticed that there was a sort of masonic doodle on the table, in fact there were a lot of weird interesting doodles on the tables.

I finished this painting of a house out off of Rt. 1 near the Brandywine. I had been picking at it a bit then just decided to whack at it and finish it. I like parts and some so-so, but I want to move on to other projects. The time is so short now I hope i can pick up the pace and get some big pieces going. I also dropped off 9 pieces for he next show at Rodger LaPelle which opens this First Friday--I hope things are back to normal by then after the Hurricane.


  1. Your blog is such a nice record of some of the events of our program as I have both seminars with you. Best of luck with the show Friday. A group of us will get out to the show if the weather is better.

  2. hahaha the masonic doodle was totally mine during a very interesting k.malcolm richards class...
