Saturday, December 22, 2012

Sunrise Beach

Finally getting back to some painting after taking a break from it since the end of October and my trip down to the Brandywine to do some Plein Air painting. This is a Christmas Gift for some friends who have a house down at the shore in Delaware. 24 x 36 in oil. I have been hankering to get back to painting and it was really  a lot of fun to do. I have been very inspired again recently by looking at the work of the Russian Social realist, Edgar Payne and Maynard Dixon--big juicy painters all. This painting went fast, about six hours in total...which surprised me as I thought I would work on I off and on for a few days....but it just flew out of my brush. I still have some more paintings to do for friends for gifts so I'll be painting away through the holidays.

Happy Holidays!

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