Saturday, July 27, 2013

Gallery Sneak Peak 4th Friday in Pitman New Jersey

Yesterday I attended  the Sneak Peak or Soft opening at my friend Leigh Meinhart's new gallery
Meinhart’s Gallery & Curio  in Pitman New Jersey. The town has a 4th Friday monthly celebration where stores and the local businesses stay open late and people stroll about like the First Friday celebrations in Old City Philly. Pitman is a cool, chill little town with a lot of quaint and picturesque qualities.

Leigh and I attended PAFA together and when she decided to open her gallery she invited a few of our mutual friends ( and DPC and PPAP members) to show there in the PAFA Alumni Group Show: for Alumni from the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.

 Its a nice spot for a gallery and a great space that both Leigh and her fiance Ernest put a lot of work into making the gallery look great. So Alina, Will, Lexi, Danielle and Cynthia all put work in the show.

 Leigh, Ernest and Alina put some final touches on things


Attendance was light as people were just finding out about the new gallery but the real opening and artist reception will be next week but some happy folks strolled trough and looked at the work and wished everyone good luck.

You couldn't have wished for better weather especially after the brutal heat of the past few weeks. Afterwards we all had a great dinner at Venice Italian Eatery where the owner comped us free appetizers and drinks. I look forward to the official opening next week, so if you are in the area stop by for the  artist reception next Saturday.

                                                                Alina with her work
                                                               Cynthia with her work
                                                              Danielle with her work

                                                                   Lexi with her work

                                                                Leigh with her work

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