Tuesday, August 06, 2013

Judge Parker Process: Inking

 Yesterday I posted the pencils for this Sunday strip. Above is the next step, my inking all done in this case with Pigma and Faber Castel markers, all permanent and waterproof, something that is a must for longevity of the original. I work for reproduction, but I also work to have an original piece of art as well. When I have to execute a strip/Sunday or dailies in a rush (which is often) I ink with markers because it goes faster and there is no drying time like with regular dip pens, which I do prefer, but it takes longer ans the ink takes longer to dry. All told it took me about 90 minutes to ink this Sunday strip. The next step is adding the blacks, which you can see the final fully inked strip below. Next I letter and color in Photoshop which takes about 3 hours on average, depending on the complexity of the art in each strip.


  1. Very cool. Clean finish, I'm striving for that level (:

  2. what size of paper are you working on for the sunday strips?if i may ask.

  3. Thanks Liron IL!

    Frank, I work on 12 x 18 2-3 ply bristol as that's the biggest I can fit on my scanner

  4. thanks for the info mike,it actually looked bigger from the pic.ive thought about working bigger for my strips anything bigger than that im sure would have to be cut in order to scan in my 11 by 17 printer.i just really loved how alot of the strip cartoonist from the 30s to the 80s worked so much more larger than most these days.

  5. I love the older larger strip size as well. But the needs of the production outweigh the needs of luxury.

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