Friday, August 30, 2013

PAFA MFA 2 Fall Week 1

Today was my first day back in my studio on the 8th floor and the first day of my last year as an art student in the MFA program at PAFA. I moved my studio over the summer down from the 9th floor to the 8th floor in the beginning of the summer and left the school until today, except for the One Week Intensive Cartooning class I taught in July. I have found it a good thing to get away from the place and paint plein air or even paint at home to "clean the jets" as it were. I only want one voice in my head. I am disappointed to not have a window studio, so any natural light work will be done off site.

I have a mixed feeling so far, frankly I look forward to not being in school after a long ride and a lot of hard work and juggling to make this all happen. I'm sure I will miss it when I am gone, if not the hustle, I am happy to see old friend and maybe make some new ones. There is a new chair, Clint Jukkala, from Yale coming in to ride Ram Rod on the program this year. I think he has a lot of work to do and I wish him well.

So today I cleaned up the shop and got it ready to roll. I have ideas to paint, so many ideas and I am not sure how much I will be painting in school or at home yet. I'll figure it out as it goes along. I am looking toward and beyond the exit from the school already and have a check list of things I'd like to accomplish before May 11th happens, I shake the deans hand, get the paper and install my graduate show.

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