Sunday, November 17, 2013

PAFA MFA 2 Fall Week 11: T-Minus 4 And Counting

We are 4 week from the end of the Fall semester  and our final reviews begin on the 6th. They are trying a new format with multiple reviews happening at the same time in multiple rooms and splitting the faculty up into smaller groups. The hope is this will facilitate a better review process for everyone, the drawback is that not all the faculty will review everyone's work as in the past.

 These are the works of my fellow students in Mike Gallagher's class that was dealing with the various themes and topics we have been talking about in class. the idea is to create work dealing with these ideas but also having it relate to your own work.

                                   I like that my classmate Joel is always drawing in class

I've kept up with the smaller paintings as my time is still compromised but I did get out and get some plein air in last weekend. You can read about that over on my Philadelphia Plein Air blog

I wish I had more time to get out but that' just the way it is till I'm done in the spring with school.

Lots to do this coming week with the Thesis draft due, and two more paper/presentations coming up, but my regular gigs. Right now Friday nights have been painting nights at school for me, since its the only time something is not due somewhere for someone. I might start the crunch on the final big painting I started over a month back.

This week we had two assignmnets due in my seminar with Mike Gallagher, one was "The Everyday" and the other was a " mediated image".

The everyday was a drawing of my cats and the mediated image was a digital image I made from a photo I shot of a figure.  Now we have our final assignments which is to do a presentation on a subject for the whole class. I think I have one that might be interesting---or not. Someone always says what you do is boring.

There was a lot happening this week at PAFA as well with he final Gallery 128 student show of the year and an Allumni show in the Historic landmark Building and museum.

                                                           My painting The End of Play

I was honestly surprised my painting "The End of Play" was accepted into the show, its the one painting with the most love it or hate it feedback.
                                                                   The Alumni Show

 There was a lot of good work in the 128 show, my fave being this cool dino head sculpture, the second being this chair.

I talked the talk with several fellow students before I scooted next door to the alumni show and saw old buddies like Rob Stack who graduated almost 2 years ago.


Then it was back into the studio for some painting into the wee hours. I also got my spring schedule and it looks good, got the critics I wanted and I have only one seminar class, so I hope I'll have more painting time.

                                              Morning Lot 15 x 9 Acrylic on Heavy Paper


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