Sunday, January 05, 2014

More Background Designs

 Here is another load of background designs from Batman Beyond. The background above is a really nice dramatic one and really has movement and deep space. These would be sent overseas to the background artist where they would be painted using both the line drawing and the toned version as guides as well as a color guide.
This is an example of the line drawing and the toned version. I used either a mechanical pencil or a no. 2 Pigma to do the line drawing. next I'd make a xerox of it and do the toned version.

 I also came across these designs for a pitch that I think my buddy Bill Wray was doing. He asked me to do some BG designs on it for the pitch. I think it was about some kind of crazy Hawaiian comedy club.
 Having a good memory really helps here when drawing some kind of detailed BG like this. Whenever I'm in a restaurant or diner, I am always looking at the place and recording details with my mental camera to use later.

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