Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Moving On

This week was the real official end to my time at PAFA. The ASE came down and Tuesday all of us students who exhibited in the show had to come in and pic-up any work that didn't sell and Wednesday was the last day to clean out your studio and turn in your key. Saturday I moved home all of my furniture, easels and bookshelves, etc., with the help of my buddy Will, so I only had to grab a few things to grab in the studio and some trash to toss.

                                                    My ASE wall looks so bare now...

In the basement gallery 128 you can see the work that did sell getting ready for the buyers, including some of my work on top of the table

I drove in early and grabbed my paintings that were left in the museum and put them in my car, and then painted my studio and took the last few little things left and turned in my key. I sold over half of my wall and that's great, I can use the $$ as soon the student debt will come calling, and I want to fix up things in the home studio.

I painted my studio pretty quick as I didn't really mark the walls up at all except for some pushpin holes. The last click of my now former studio door closing officially marked the end of my time at PAFA, and it felt great!!! I gave my rollers to a few fellow MFA's who were also in for the final day.

                        A great picture of Scott Noel and me that my Dad shot at graduation, I hope Scott has  a great sabatical, he really deserves it!

I know I will be returning to PAFA in a new capacity in the future, but for now my time as a student is officially done. I feel like the Alice Cooper  Schools Out song at the moment, and I know the next few days will be working on the strip and catching a breath before I turn my full attention to the next phase of my career and life, trying to move full time into the fine art world.

The focus of this blog will now change as well from being a student to blogging about getting more galleries, entering more competitions, etc. I'll be heading out to Arizona in a few weeks and doing the Scottsdale run at the galleries out there. Right now I am going to be making a master list of galleries I am aiming at, contact info etc.

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