Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Judge Parker Process

Here is a some more  of my comic strip process on the 8-15 JP Sunday that will be coming your way in a month featuring Sam and his long time secretary Gloria, who I get to draw about once a year-year and a half in our time but maybe a few weeks in Parker time.

Above are the pencils and below are the inks. I won't reveal the details of the story but it will change things for sure in the Parkerverse.

One of the things that has changed production wise is I've switched back to using mostly the Hunt 102 for inking instead of the Faber/castle Pitt pens. I love the Pitts much better than the Micron Pigmas, their points are better, but nothing beats the snap of traditional pen nibs. Looking over my collection of original classic strips by Raymond, Prentice and  Williamson recently I just fell in love again with that great master pen-and-ink craftsmanship! JP is probably one of the last places you can really properly apply that set of skills and have it fit handsomely.

At the same time I am still painting away between working on the strip, my painting easel just to my left. My goal is a big fresh body of work by the fall.


  1. I just wanted to say that your illustrating Judge Parker is a real eye catcher. It's a pleasure to see a well crafted comic strip. It is fantastic.

  2. Just by coincidence, this is the Judge Parker that ran today. Great looking stuff, Mike! Judge Parker is one of the best drawn strips out there.

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