Monday, September 15, 2014

Plein Air Burlington 2014

Last week I took part in the 2014 Plein Air Burlington Festival, a week long painting event in Burlington New Jersey. I wasn't able to take part in the painting competition due to the fact I was down at the Baltimore Comicon that weekend, but I did teach a two-day plein air workshop that was a lot of fun.

Thanks to my friend Shaun Stipick who heads the event and the Lyceum in Burlington I was able to teach the workshop and paint at two different locations over the two day.  The first day we set up at the marina, I asked the painters what they would like to paint and that was the first choice. You can see my rig and my demo, which I never finished as I focused my attention on the students work during the afternoon.

 My friends William and Alina stopped by after Alina helped judge the show, she was one of the three judges of the PA competition. They both taught a workshop during the week-long event as well.

This is Michele's wonderful piece that I worked with her during the afternoon of the first day.

The next day Michele showed me around the town and a few spots as she lives and works there and knew the area well. We ended up at this great old power plant that was being torn down.

Chuck one of the workmen there was rally nice and very helpful as were all of the workers who passed bay and watched us paint.

I stared my demo and talked about how you handle such a complicated structure with careful observation, triangulation and simplification. Below is the painting where I left it as the sun had changed position too much.

Michele painting away and Shaun even got to show up and join us to paint


Here I am with Michele who was really great to work with and was so nice to bu me lunch both days. Michele did two great paintings and was a lot of fun to paint along with.

Saturday I returned to the Lyceum for the reception for the show and met a lot of the painters who participated. I think I made a few new friends and have been invited to paint along with a group of New Jersey painters. 

                             Alina talks with a few of the painters who had work in the show

                         Here are the winning paintings in order below, from first to fourth

Next year I will take part in the plein air painting competition itself and I think this show will grow in attendance and importance as a strong regional event. My thanks again the Shaun and Michele for a great week of painting!

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