Sunday, November 02, 2014

Good strip news!

Its good news for Woody, Terry and myself in this article on the Times Dispatch website  It seems Rex Morgan and Judge Parker were the top two strips in a recent poll of what strips to keep and drop  at the Times Dispatch. Its not always good news you hear about continuity strips these days, many papers want to drop all strips in favor of advertisement, etc. Most continuity strips have one-by-one vanished from the papers in the past 20 years. Yet features like comic strips are one of the few things papers can offer readers  these days of 24 hour news cycles and declining circulations. These strips and our work is highly regarded by regular readers. Normal people. I have been told the Comics Kingdom gets over 10,000 hits a day on Judge Parker alone. So we raise a glass to the readers of the Times Dispatch--Thanks!


  1. Judge Parker is one of the strips that I look forward to reading every day. Kudos on the artwork in the final panel of today's (11/16) strip. The look of horror on Abbey's face was priceless.

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