Friday, June 12, 2015

R.I.P Harlod LeDoux

I just learned that long time Judge Parker Artist Harold LeDoux has passed away. LeDoux was the artist on the strip for an incredible 52 1/2 years!

Here are a couple of nice examples of LeDoux's Sunday strips. Sam hasn't aged in 52 years!  The late Eduardo Barreto took over from Ledoux when he retired and I took over from Eduardo, succeeding him when he became too ill to continue. You can see from these examples JP was also a pretty copy heavy strip, but LeDoux kept your eye moving with good black placements and a slick, bold brush line. I am now in my 6th year on the strip and will soon pass Eduardo's time on JP, but I seriously doubt I'll even make it half as long as Mr. LeDoux's tenure--Goodspeed.

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