Saturday, September 19, 2015

Judge Parker Process

Here is another week of dailies for Judge Parker in the process of me inking them. It was a week of mostly talking heads as the main characters of the strip are reintroduced and share info that is basically a jump on point for new readers or a way for fairly new readers to get on the train of the new story line of Neddy's Factory.

This story line has been running over a year now as you can see by the Sept, 19th strip from last year. Looking back over that year I would say less than 2 weeks have transpired in strip time, maybe only a week. The Parkers were on the Hell trailer park vacation which lasted 3-4 days strip time but easily 3/4 of a year in strips.  They have been back 2 days, released the dude and now are dealing with Sam's retirement, which was announced a few days before the vacation. Sometimes its hard even for me to stay on top all of the time issues because a year or more might happen between story points. In strip time not even a year or a change of seasons has happened since my run on the Judge started. I know this type of thing doesn't matter to 99% of the people who read the strip, but I try and keep this all in my head so I can keep continuity steady, even things like hair length on the women.

I inked a lot of this current week with the Hunt 108 nib which is great for hair, a main feature of this strip--good hair! As much as I try and draw sexy women with ample cleavage for the "readers' interested mostly in those angles, something that I carried over from the previous strip artists, a lot of this strip ends up being talking heads so drawing good hair is a big part of the sexiness or appeal.

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