Monday, October 05, 2015

Baltimore Commissions

 Here are a bunch of recent commissions done for fans before, during and after the Baltimore Comicon. If you are interested in one contact me:mike(at)


  1. Hi Mike:
    I sure do love looking at your work, especially the in progress stuff.
    A friend of mine and I are having a debate regarding Judge Parker and maybe you could shed some light on it.
    Where (generally speaking) is Spencer Farms located? I say California and he says Georgia. He makes the point that, if they lived in California, why did they take a cross-country RV trip to California? I confess, I don't have a rebuttal for that. But I still think Spencer Farms is in Northern CA, like Big Sur or something.
    Can you help us out?
    Thanks, and keep up the good work. JP is one of my "must reads" every morning.

  2. Very nice work :--->

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