Monday, May 09, 2005

Dogs and Monsters

A couple of sketchs today, one of Buster

and one of the many roughs i did for the Tales of the Shadowmen paperback I did a while back.

A lot of works happening in the studio this week between turtles, the Mag, the book and some upcoming comic projects I'll announce soon.


  1. s'up Mike, nice sketches. What kind of dog do you have?

    Just wanted to tell you i just emailed you about buying original DH pages and commissions. So look for my email in case it gets thrown in the junkmail pile. Email will be from Tyler McGonegal (aka me!), address is:

  2. Tyler, I got your e-mail and responded. I have two Australian healr mixes. one red Shazam and one that may be mixed with german sheppard...or not, Buster. They are awesome, best dogs I've ever had the fortune to share my life with. They are so smart and have great personalities.

  3. Hi!, I'm from Chole and I wanted to know a good wesite where I coul find some steps to draw dogs!, if you know send me an e-mail please!
    E-mail me!
