Friday, May 06, 2005


I'll be making my annual appearence at Capatin Blue Hen's Free Comic Book Day event in Newark Delaware this Saturday from Noon til 5.
So stop on by.....


  1. No cartoonists in your state? Your local retailer could always ask...maybe people would come?

  2. Free comicbook day at Capain Blue Hen was swell. Yeah that's an old, old school term, but I think it applies to an all-agesfest like FCBD
    It was a huge success in newark outstripping last years event by
    almost 70+%. Now Joe Murry, the owner is a smart guy, he ran ads on TV,on Disney family, Cartoon Network and Sci-Fi channel and a few more
    through the local cable company. The result...He had 700+ customers in
    the store.

    I drew like a madman...dozens of free sketchs, lots of Supermans, Timmy
    Turners, Spongebob, Batman, Thing, Spidey, even a few Darkhawks. Lots of families and kids...and three students from DCAD where Rich Faber and I teach,
    two from my class (Claire and Veronon) which was great. Rich was
    sketching a storm as well as Scott Neely, who does a bunch of the
    animated books for DC. the place was packed.

    I sold a few draw! mags, sold a sketchbook, no art, most people don't have the cash for that. We had a great Italian dinner afterwards.

    I like drawing for the kids, even had two kids draw for me,so we traded drawings, one kid Stan, was really into watching me draw,
    he was all over my art kit, "what's this for...OOH! What kind of marker
    is that?" I gave him a piece of my kneeded eraser to take home! :-) he
    was stoked. He must have been around 10, he and his cousin were fighting
    over who could use the eraser..hahaha!

    More Free Comic day for me.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Wow Mike, thats so great to hear someone in the industry enjoy a give-and-take with the fans like that.

    And i love how those kids were so excited. That reminds me of when i was about 12, and i got to meet John Kricfalusi. My friends' grandfather was friends with John K.'s father, so we went up to John K's cottage for an afternoon (was only about 2 hrs away). I was crazy-hardcore into drawing cartoons & comics at the time. We met him and he drew Ren & Stimpy stetches for all of us. That was so amazing.

    I'm sure those 2 kids you met will remember that forever too.
