Monday, June 20, 2005

San Diego gravity well

This is the bussiest time of the year for me, the weeks before the annual SDCC are mad busy! Draw! 11 is off to the printers tonight, and I'm told still stands a chance of making it for the fingers are crossed. Prep-work has already begun on issue 12 due out in October. I'm also trying to put together another sketchbook for the show as well. I'm thinking to do just an all girls sketchbook as this is what most of the babymen want. Girls, girls girls. I feel that showing what else I can do just doesn't appeal to the non-artist fan. The fans of my work who are artists like the other works I do as well as the sexy gal. Walk the con floor and it's all about girls, girls comics featuring sexy babes, games, TV, animation and especially animae and manga and even the women seem to dig this material, especially manga.

I also am planning to try and do more of my own comics. What form they will take is still up in the air at the moment. I know humor doesn't sell in the babyman market,comic geeks hate humor or anything that seems to mock their cherished superheroes. But I do love to do funny stuff, or even all ages material, mixed in with more adult themes. i don't see why you have to only do one thing or another, like an actor you should stretch yourself, do different generes. So some things may be print, some may be web obly for now. I may shop for publishers in SD and see who nibbles at the material. I'd like to do a sort of norish/detective thing (like everyone else) and maybe some alternative-shoe gazer stuff as well. I plan on attending bothe the SPX shows as well as Baltimore con in September. I haven't decided yet on Wizard Chicago, I may go, may does get expensive doing all of these shows.

Stay tuned to the blog to see the process as it developes.


  1. I'd love to see more stuff from you, Mike. Was always a fan. I still remember your Batman and Darkhawk stuff pretty fondly.

  2. Thanks fellas! Busted..hmmmm.....
