Friday, June 17, 2005

Still Life

Here are a few snaps of the still life I worked on this week in class. I missed the last two weeks of class because of cons and finishing up DRAW! 11, which is off to press any day now. Because I missed last weeks class I missed the first week of this still life, so what you see here is a little over two hours of work. I toned the canvas in class, and should have done it earlier so it wouldn't have been wet, adding another little degree of difficulty. But even though I knew I couldn't hope to finish this piece i went ahead anyway for the practice and fun. I was approaching it based on the color harmony vs painting it by value.


  1. Nice colors mike. Just an observation from my days a Fine Art student in University: kids hate drawing fruit.

    IMO the best way to keep still-life drawing/painting interesting is to get the students to bring in their own items to set up. It just makes it a little more fun. ie: i love baseball, so i brought in a glove, ball, and cap & set them in a window-sill to paint.

  2. That sounds like a good idea for young kids,but I am a lot harder on older students. College is volentary. My feeling is if you don't want to do the assignment, don't want to push ahead to learn more, F YOU! Too many students are lazy, and want things to be easy, I say get out of the class and go home. Witdraw from school...we will always need garbadge men and sewer cleaners. :-)
