Monday, January 29, 2007


As those of you who follow my blog know, I have been taking an anatomy class for credit at The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. I plan on attending this fall to finish my BFA. The class, run by the knowledgeable and affable Joe Kaplan is fun as well as informative, and I have to say, it's great to be taught instead of teach. I know my anatomy pretty well, but I am learning it in specifics even better. Now most of my students complain about homework, but I requested Joe to give me homework,as I really want to get good critiques, take advantage of the great resources at PAFA, so L'Ecorché was the first assignment. They have a life size repro of a famouse french L'Ecorché in the Cast hall, so I rode in early this morning with Echo and drew this before the class. Joe wanted me to draw the back view since this is what we have been studying in class. It's in charcoal on newsprint. On our break Joe critiqued my drawing and was spot on, it's very illustrative, not a fine art drawing, which I guess I did on purpose, as a result he wants me to take another crack at it next week and try this time to not be so literal.


  1. Wow - I'm impressed. You mastered that in charcoal - I can't do that.

    Nice stuff!


  2. hi
    my name is alcides junior
    i'm brazilian
    very nice your work
    god bless you

    alcides junior

  3. 'Illustrative' should never be a negative . I think you've made a wonderful drawing.

    As someone with a BFA , I can recall similiar comments being uttered during some of my critiques.

    I think it would have been better, if your instructor had said that you should try and be more interpretive of the subject than labelling it 'illustrative'.

    Didn't mean to rant .........

  4. Well I can't disagree with his assesment, as I agree that it is illustrative, and Kaplan is a former illustrator and is in no way using that term as a putdown. I am seeking to grow and expand as an artist and his critique is something i value and asked for, as I asked for the homework itself.

  5. Well, illustrative or not, 'tis a fine drawing Michael!
