Wednesday, January 24, 2007

What a week!

Boy, some weeks start with a lumpy Monday and build to the crescendo of Friday, and this week I am looking forward to Friday! Monday started good actually, I had my first class at the Academy and it was great! It turns out my teacher, Joe Kaplan is actually a nieghbor of mine, living just down the block on the next street--and infact I saw him taking out a portfolio and art bin from his car which was parked in front of my house last fall and thinking, "Hey, I bet that guy's an artist". But he seemed in a rush so I didn't step out to ask. When we were talking after class and leaving I mentioned I lived in Upper Darby and he said he did too and then--POP! we recognized each other. He said "You're the guy who gives out comics evey Halloween!" And I said " I saw you taking your gear out of you car last fall."
How funny is that?
Echo was in school at the same time so that was fun too.

These were all 20 second poses! Joe had us cooking! After these he gave his lecture, this time on the spine and shoulder, then we did another drawing session of 20 minutes, the drawing below was what I got down in about 15-20 minutes.

We stopped on the way home at the market to grab some food and stuff and got home, ate and chilled infront of the tube for a bit. When Echo went back out to get a back from School she left in my car it was ...GONE!

Yep, my 1996 Jeep Grand Cherokee was "Gone in 60 seconds." Or within 2 hours of us getting home. Now I am pissed, sure, but pissed off more because I've just spent about $900 with new tires, inspection and having a short in the electrical system fixed! I also come to find that those 94-96 jeeps are easy to steal. A teacher at DCAD told me her's was stolen 3 times from her house. So now I wait, either the police will find it, or it may have been cut-up in some illegal Chop-Shop in Philly already. I will wait a week or two and then I'll have to get a new car. I have been eyeing a Honda Element.

So what a mixed week so far and we are just at Hump Day. Work continues to be really heavy, and will be for the next month or so, then? Probably just a sbusy after. On the board this week Turtles, Superman and X-9. I'll try and post some stuff latyer on.


  1. dude! sorry to hear about your jeep!

  2. Hope they find your Jeep safe and sound, Mike. Karma will take care of the criminal(s) who stole it.

  3. Mike, are you going to be at the Phoenix ComicCon?

  4. Sorry to hear about the car nonsense... The new tires is the worst part.

    great drawings though!

  5. Mike,
    Sorry to hear about your car getting ripped off. Hope it works out in your favor (no big premium increase)!
    Man, you have a cranking schedule this year! Looks like you will will be loving your Painting curriclum at the Academy.
    Hope to see you at a convention or in person sometime this year - there's a slim chance I might make NY in February (but travel costs may prevent me). Do you know if you will go to Wizardworld Chicago this year(a lot closer to KY)?
    Oh, and congratulations to you and Echo on your engagement.
